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HomeInternational Coaching Week 2023

International Coaching Week 2023
May 8-12, 2023 is International Coaching Week

International Coaching Week (ICW) is an annual celebration of the power and impact of professional coaching.
From May 8-12, 2023, ICF Members from around the world (including here in Colorado!) are invited to celebrate the power of coaching to positively impact individuals, organizations, communities, and the world.
During this week, the ICF Colorado Chapter will host a series of FREE and highly interactive webinars
(all held virtually!) with some of the most transformative coaches in our great state of Colorado.

Coaches, business leaders, and interested community members are all invited to attend.


When the Team Outgrows the Leader
The Magic of the Core Competencies: How These 3 Shifts Lightened My Coaching Load and Increased My Capacity
Co-Creating a Psychological Safe Team Coaching Space
Coaching Through Collaborative Teamwork
Want Success? Kick Limiting Beliefs to the Curb
Metaphors Be With You: The Magic of Metaphors, Stories, and Images in Coaching
How to Turn Your Client's Negative Emotions Into Positive Growth
Unlocking Maximum Potential With the Central Question
Limbic Brain: Why Feelings Matter More Than You Think For You and Your Client's Potential
Qualitative Essentials for MCC
Be Your Own Ally: Why Showing Up For You First Matters

Online Business Development Essentials: Building Your Apparatus of Conversion

"When the Team Outgrows the Leader"
Presenter:  Jennifer Gance
May 8, 2023 from 9:00am - 10:00am MT

Is it possible a team can still excel even when they have outgrown their leader? Can you still be an effective coach if this happens and the company does not want to make organizational changes to the dynamic? The answer is yes and yes!

I will present a real-life case study where a team has outgrown their leadership and is excelling in potential. I will also demonstrate why coaching within this dynamic can add immense value and support for the organization. Lastly, we will cover how and why certain qualities and elements must be present within the essence of the team in order for this environment to be successful.



"The Magic of the Core Competencies: How These 3 Shifts
Lightened My Coaching Load and Increased My Capacity"

Presenter:  Lauren LeMunyan
May 8, 2023 from 11:00am - Noon MT

As ICF Coaches, we know all about the 8 Core Competencies, but how well are you applying them? In this interactive session, I'll share the three core competency shifts I made in my coaching practice to lighten the energetic load of my sessions while empowering clients to access newfound awareness and insights.


"Co-Creating a Psychological Safe Team Coaching Space"

Presenter:  Linda Rad
May 9, 2023 from 9:00 - 10:00am MT

Co-Creating a psychologically safe team coaching space is vital for team members to bring their authentic selves to team coaching. This 50-minute team coaching experience will model how coaches can create a psychologically safe coaching space through a simulation with interactive co-creation.

Participants will walk away with an experiential team coach experience where they have created an inclusive set of principles to use with teams. A handout with sample questions will be provided to participants.


"Coaching Through Collaborative Teamwork"

Presenter:  Svetlana Young
May 9, 2023 from 11:00am - Noon MT

Practice and reflection, interaction.
Different forms of collaboration; thinking outside of the box.


"Want Success? Kick Limiting Beliefs to the Curb"
Presenter:  Darcy Dunker
May 9, 2023 from 3:00 - 4:00pm MT

This is a light-hearted presentation with powerful content.
What are limiting beliefs?
How did I get them?
What can I do to kick them to the curb and live my BEST life?


"Metaphors Be With You: The Magic of Metaphors,
Stories, and Images in Coaching"

Presenter:  Dr. Patrick Williams
May 10, 2023 from 9:00 - 10:00am MT

Join Master Coach Dr. Patrick Williams, MCC to explore and learn to master the use of metaphors, guided imagery, and symbols in coaching. These pathways of learning utilizing the unconscious are creative tools to evoke images, and to invite enlightening, energetic, and emotional awareness. They can draw forth imagination, unlock insight, and stimulate resourcefulness.


"How to Turn Your Client's Negative Emotions Into Positive Growth"
Presenter:  Charles Jones
May 10, 2023 from 11:00 - Noon MT

Properly interpreted, every emotion (especially, the so-called "negative" ones) can be used to facilitate performance-improving changes in perception, attitude, and behavior.

Join the creator of Emotional Response-Ability for a 50-minute webinar in which you will:
1. Learn how to unlock the wisdom in your emotions - and those of your client’s.
2. Practice a technique for transforming negative emotions into performance improvements.
3. Discuss implications for coaching.

You’ll emerge from this mini-workshop with a technique you can apply to your clients to improve their performance at work and fulfillment in life.


Judy Sabah and Jordan White 150x299.jpg"Unlocking Maximum Potential With the Central Question"

Presenters:  Jordan White and Judy Sabah
May 10, 2023 from 5:00 - 6:00pm MT

Would you agree that the mind responds differently to questions than it does to statements? Questions activate our minds to find an answer, while statements tend to be something we either agree with or do not. The more powerful the question, the more powerful the result we can harness. Attendees will learn about the Central Question of Life, Love, and Leadership and observe the power it generates through a live demonstration.


"Limbic Brain: Why Feelings Matter More Than You Think
For You and Your Client's Potential"

Presenter:  Brandon Addison
May 11, 2023 from 9:00 - 10:00am MT

We often talk about coaching the client, not the story, and "following the energy." Yet, what do we mean when we actually talk about that. A deeply powerful coaching principle and foundation is to co-create the relationship. What if that is more than the words we say, but the presence we have "limbically" with our clients and ourselves. Here we will explore some findings in neuroscience and psychology like attachment theory to help us in our own personal lives and vocations as coaches.


"Qualitative Essentials for MCC"
Presenter:  Fran Fisher
May 11, 2023 from 11:00 - Noon MT

Discovering the Essence of Mastery: Together let's explore the 12 ESSENTIAL Qualities of MCC masterful coaching. We will walk through these qualities one by one to discuss their meaning and importance, and what you can learn to apply in your coaching immediately.


"Be Your Own Ally: Why Showing Up For You First Matters"
Presenter:  Ruby Vesely
May 11, 2023 from 1:00 - 2:00pm MT

Based on the book You, Me, We: Why We All Need a Friend at Work (and How to Show Up As One!), this interactive session will explore the five practices of an Ally Mindset: Abundance & Generosity, Connection &; Compassion, Courage & Vulnerability, Candor & Debate, and Action & Accountability. We most often think of these qualities in reference to how we show up in relationship with others, AND it also applies to how we take care of ourselves.

In this interactive session, you will learn how to "show up" as a friend for yourself first, so you can then show up for others in a more connected and meaningful way.

This content can be useful for self-care for any leader (including coaches) and as a tool to share with clients (as a way to talk about self-care).


"Online Business Development Essentials:
Building Your Apparatus of Conversion"

Presenter:  Shannon Judge
May 12, 2023 from 9:00 - 10:00am MT

An introduction to the Apparatus of Conversion: During this broad overview, you will have the chance to learn how to begin your own business development journey with no tech or graphic design experience. You will learn the simple basics of creating your business branding that will be used for your logo, website, social media templates and marketing, in addition to: learning and experiencing how simple it can be to create your own website, without a tech background, and develop a high-converting homepage.

You will come away with knowledge of how to:
1. Create your company logo
2. Start building a website
3. Strategize your high-converting homepage