2025 Learning Groups
Learning Groups offer great opportunities to receive support for your development as a professional coach, deepen your mastery of coaching, connect with your colleagues, and explore new territory ... and many of them offer CCEs!
NOTE: You must be registered for the learning group in order to participate AND you need to be present at the group sessions [in-person or virtual] to be eligible for receiving CCEs.)
All of the groups are included with your ICF-CO annual fee - no matter how many you join!
As you prepare to register for 2025 Learning Groups, please keep in mind that unlike one-off a la carte events (such as our webinars and monthly chapter meetings), many of these groups are designed to be ongoing. Given that participants build on their development and their connection to the group over the course of the year, attendance at all sessions is essential in order to get the most out of the experience. Your ongoing presence in the learning groups to which you commit truly matters, so if you sign up, we ask that you plan to show up on a regular basis. Most of the groups meet virtually (on Zoom), some groups may do a hybrid combo of virtual and in-person (depending on current health precautions and other factors).
*Group Size is limited and most groups are designed as a continuing cohort for the year, so we suggest that you grab your spot quickly and plan to attend on a regular basis! Once you have registered, you will receive confirmation of group details and logistics.
All Learning Groups are included with your ICF Colorado membership fee.
Here is a list of the 2025 Learning Groups and Leaders:
Artificial Intelligence in Coaching - Joanne Larson and Chad Manifold
Coaching at the Speed of Thought - Tony Latimer and Stan Ajemian
Coaching Demonstration - Joanne Larson (drop ins welcome)
Coaching Supervision - Laurie Weiss and Lynn Winterboer
Conscious Leadership - Linda Rad
Core Competencies – Dana Breitenstein (drop ins welcome)
Embody Your Creativity in Coaching - Anna Bouw-Bolik
Integral Coaching with Horses: Introduction to Equine Facilitated Leadership - Bridgit Wald
NoCo (Northern Colorado) Continuing Coach Development - Donna Sullivan
Ontological Coaching - Julie Ann Martinez Rosario
Seasonal Restorative Retreats – Ruth Sharon
Somatic Awareness in Coaching: Communication and Identity - Sarah Rimmel and Julie Ann Martinez Rosario
Team and Group Coaching: Coaches & Case Studies - Annette Pilkington
If you have any questions regarding Learning Groups, please email info(at)icfcolorado.org
Call For Learning Group Proposals
Are you an ICF Colorado member, and if so, do you have an area of expertise, a coaching skill set you’d like to share, a Mastermind Group you would love to lead, or an area of professional development that you think would be a source of enrichment for coaches? If so, please consider becoming one of our Learning Group Leaders! You can submit your proposal here. If you know someone else who would bring great value for our members as a Learning Group Leader, please encourage them to submit a proposal.
Artificial Intelligence in Coaching
Facilitators: Joanne Larson and Chad Manifold
Dates: 2nd Monday of the month (January - December)
Time: 3:00 - 4:00pm MT
Location: ICF Colorado Zoom Meeting Room
Minimum: 6; No Maximum

This group is designed to focus on the potential uses of Artificial Intelligence (AI) platforms in our coaching practices. We will start by identifying which areas of AI are of greatest interest to participants drawing from the list provided by Lisa Hale in her recent webinar for ICF Colorado. This is a new offering in an emerging area of interest; we will co-create the content of the learning group based upon the needs/interests of participants. This is very much intended to be a learning group; we will experiment together and learn through our experimentation.
Coaching at the Speed of Thought
Facilitators: Tony Latimer and Stan Ajemian
Dates: 1st Tuesday of the month (January - December)
Time: 7:00am - 8:30am MT
Location: ICF Colorado Zoom Meeting Room
CCEs: 0.75 in Core Competencies and 0.75 in Resource Development (per meeting)
Minimum: 5; No Maximum

This Learning Group is designed by Tony Latimer, who presented to ICF Colorado in May 2024. Tony is a Master Coach who trains coaches at all levels through his Simplicity of Mastery program. This Learning Group trains coaches to become masterful coaches. Level up your coaching skills with this Learning Group session. Faced with real-life situations, learn from how your fellow coaches see the situation. Let the diverse perspectives generate fresh thinking within you as a coach too!
Coaching Demonstration
Facilitator: Joanne Larson, ACC
Dates: 2nd Friday of the month (January - May; September - November)
Time: Noon - 1:00pm MT
Location: ICF Colorado Zoom Meeting Room
CCEs: 1.0 in Core Competencies (per meeting)
Minimum: 6; No Maximum
Drop-ins welcome! Come when you can.

The Coaching Demonstration Learning Group is for those who desire to strengthen their own coaching skills through observation and reflection. MCC and PCC credentialed coaches will be exhibiting their coaching skills via live coaching demo with a participant from the meeting.
Coaching Supervision
Facilitator: Laurie Weiss and Lynn Winterboer
Dates: 3rd Tuesday of the month (January - June; September - November)
Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm MT
Location: Zoom Meeting Room
Minimum: 8; No Maximum

Supervision group is a collaborative space of support, self-discovery and professional development for coaches, which consists of reflecting together on various topics of our coaching practice. You will be invited to share your challenges in a safe environment on your journey to becoming masterful in the way you work with your clients.
Group supervision allows each participant to learn from both reflecting on their own case and hearing and reflecting on the case reviews of other group members. This leads to enhanced professional and personal development.
Conscious Leadership
Facilitator: Linda Rad
Dates: 1st Monday of the month (February - November)
Time: 3:30 - 4:45pm MT
Location: ICF-CO Zoom Meeting Room
Minimum: 7; Maximum: 24

The main focus of this learning group will be to deepen leadership coaching outcomes. Would you like to support your client's transformation through greater self-awareness and self-efficacy? If so, this learning group will challenge and grow your transformational coaching skills.
Core Competencies Learning Group
Facilitator: Dana Breitenstein
Dates: 4th Friday of the month (January - October; no meeting in July, August, Nov, or Dec)
Time: Noon - 1:00pm MT
Location: ICF Colorado Zoom Meeting Room
CCEs: 1.0 in Core Competencies (per meeting)
Minimum: 4; No Maximum
Drop-ins welcome! Come when you can.

This group is designed to focus on a Core Competency and its associated PCC Markers as developed by our professional association, the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Beginning with Competency #1: Demonstrates Ethical Practice and ending with Core Competency #8: Facilitates Client Growth, we will take an in-depth look at a different competency each month. Each session will feature 20-25 minutes of content with the remainder of the hour devoted to breakout groups where we will coach one another and discuss our coaching, using the associated PCC Markers.
Embody Your Creativity in Coaching
Facilitator: Anna Bouw-Bolik
Dates: Initial 2 meetings will be on Zoom:
February 20th from 6:30pm - 8:00pm & March 20th from 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Location: ICF Colorado Zoom Meeting Room
Remaining in-person sessions will take place with artists in the Boulder area in studios and outdoors.
Dates for In-Person meetings will be coordinated with the availability of the group participants.
Minimum: 4; Maximum: 15

We will collaborate with diverse artist across Colorado and learn from creatives how they form deeper connections with people through art such as movement, nature, color, music, and how we can expand our own creativity to embody this in our own coaching skills in working with our clients.
The main purpose of this group is to explore, learn, practice and expand our personal coaching skills to enhance this in unique creative ways in coaching our clients.
This group is for anyone who desires to be more creative and is interested in learning from artist how to stimulate our own creativity in coaching to deepen the relationship with our clients.
Integral Coaching with Horses:
Introduction to Equine Facilitated Leadership
Facilitator: Bridgit Wald
Dates: Initial meeting will be virtual - March 3
Time: Noon MT
Location: ICF Colorado Zoom Meeting Room
Minimum: 5; Maximum: 7

This learning group series offers an introduction to equine-facilitated coaching, a powerful somatic coaching practice that takes place on the ground in partnership with horses.
Through groundwork exercises, participants will explore presence, self-inquiry, deep listening, boundaries, collaborative leadership, non-predatory uses of power, and more. As individuals and as a group, participants will examine how these areas manifest in their personal leadership and in their coaching practices with clients.
NoCo (Northern Colorado) Continuing Coach Development
Facilitator: Donna Sulllivan
Dates: 4th Thursday of the month (January - October; no meeting in July, November & December)
Time: 7:00 - 8:30pm MT
Location: ICF Colorado Zoom Meeting Room
(May also meet in-person or hybrid, if group desires)
Minimum: 3; Maximum: 15

The Northern Colorado Continuing Coach Development Learning Group meets monthly via in-person or Zoom meeting format to discuss a topic relevant to coaching, then triad coaching with feedback given in a coaching format. Group meeting agenda generally includes 15 minutes of networking, 30 minutes presentation and discussion, 60 minutes of dyad or triad coaching practice (usually for 15-20 minutes each cycle, so that all or most participants can coach, be coached, and/or be the observer to provide feedback) and completing with 15 minutes of large group debrief and discussion.
Ontological Coaching
Facilitator: Julie Ann Martinez Rosario
Dates: Last Wednesday of the month (January - December)
Time: Noon - 1:30pm MT
Location: ICF Colorado Zoom Meeting Room
Minimum: 5; No Maximum

Discover the transformative power of Ontological Coaching! This group is designed for coaches who are curious about exploring the intersections of language, emotions, and body to support profound client shifts. Together, we’ll delve into the ontological perspective, a coaching approach that goes beyond solving surface issues to uncovering deeper ways of being.
Seasonal Restorative Retreats
Facilitator: Ruth Sharon
4 Dates:
February 7th; April 4th; June 6th; October 3rd
Time: 11:00am - 1:00pm MT
Location: Zoom Meeting Room
Minimum: 5; Maximum: 20

Each season brings its own magic, energy... and challenges. I invite you to take time away from your busy schedule to refresh and restore yourself in each season.
Join me for our four Zoom 2-hour mini-retreats.
Aligning with the season in rhythm, tempo and mood can promote more harmony and inner peace, Being centered, recharged and calm can allow for more effective workflow and more engaging relationships.
Fill yourself first and give from the overflow!
Somatic Awareness in Coaching: Communication & Identity
Facilitators: Sarah Rimmel and Julie Ann Martinez Rosario
Dates: Last Monday of the month (January - June)
Time: 3:30 - 5:00pm MT
Location: Zoom Meeting Room
Minimum: 8; Maximum: 20

We’ll focus on building the skill of Direct Communication and sharing observations and feedback, which is applicable in individual and team coaching. We will also be strengthening the competency of Ethical Practice (particularly sensitivity to clients’ identity, environment, experiences, values and beliefs). We will do this by developing our own somatic/body awareness, having group discussions about topics of identity and beliefs and what comes up for us somatically around these topics, and practicing giving/receiving feedback to each other.
Team and Group Coaching: Coaches & Case Studies
Facilitator: Annette Pilkington
Dates: 3rd Tuesday of the month (February - November, no meeting in July or December)
Time: 4:00 - 5:00pm MT
Location: ICF Colorado Zoom Meeting Room
Minimum: 8; No Maximum

This group is for anybody interested in Team or Group Coaching. In 2024 Linda Rad and Nancy Benthien facilitated a team coaching group designed to explore, learn and practice the body of knowledge on team coaching. In 2025, this group will build on that foundation and learn from experienced coaches through case studies and real-life examples of team coaching and the impact on individuals and organizations. Each month will feature a different coach and different scenarios.
Experienced team and group coaches, beginners and those who are curious about this growing field of coaching are encourage to join. You will have an opportunity to share your insights, get help with your coaching challenges and ask questions.