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HomeInternational Coaching Week 2022

International Coaching Week 2022
May 16-20, 2022 is International Coaching Week

International Coaching Week (ICW) is an annual celebration of the power and impact of professional coaching.
From May 16-20, 2022, ICF Members from around the world (including here in Colorado!)
are invited to celebrate the power of coaching to positively impact individuals, organizations, communities, and the world.
During this week, the ICF Colorado Chapter will host a series of FREE and highly interactive webinars
(all held virtually!) with some of the most transformative coaches in our great state of Colorado.

Coaches, business leaders, and interested community members are all invited to attend.

Building a Group Coaching Collective
Reimagine Courageous Conversations as the Norm in Retaining Talent in the Workplace
Discovering the Collective Shadow in Teams and Supporting Their Shift into a Higher Vibrational Awareness
Body Wisdom in Coaching and Life
Lead, Develop Care: A Tool That Takes the Mystery Out of Leadership
Group Coaching - The Future of Women's Leadership Development
From Attention to Intention: The Power of Mental Energy and Imagination


"Building a Group Coaching Collective"
Presenters:  Holly Sahud and Reba Woodard
Date and Time: May 16, 2022 from 11:00am - Noon MT

So, you're committed to being a coach and coaching clients one on one……wonderful! But, what about group coaching? How could that enhance your coaching practice to reach more clients? How is it different from individual or team coaching? How does this work? Where should you begin? These questions and more will be discussed during this interactive webinar.

Holly Sahud 130x160My name is Holly Sahud, and I am unapologetically proud New Yorker, who has lived in Colorado for 25 years, so the accent is gone! I am an ICF Associate Certified Coach who has been coaching leaders, high-potential employees, business owners, and career transitioners for over a decade. I have coached leaders in industries ranging from Fortune 80 financial services forms to small business owners. My passion is partnering with individuals who are ready to invest in their own growth to create a life, personal and professional where they flourish. Supporting clients to explore and unpack their strengths, mindsets and behaviors creates the space needed to lean into who they really are and what they want to achieve. This is movement. This is when change happens. I approach coaching with authenticity, curiosity, and accountability. And of course, let us not forget empathy, humor, and compassion! Our work is always based in empathy, self-discovery, and possibilities. Helping individuals tap into their potential so they can reap the rewards of activating their strengths, clearing limiting beliefs, and thriving is my purpose.

Reba Woodard 130x160Rebecca Woodard (or Reba), has a 30-year career in Talent Development. She worked for top companies such as UPS, Becton Dickinson and Company and KPMG. With a career in learning and development, Reba found a passion for coaching others to unlock their potential that she believes lives within people. Reba’s certifications include: Professional Certified Coach (PCC) through the International Coaching Federation, Co-Active Coaching, Group Coaching, GROW Model, Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), DiSC, EQ-I 2.0, The Five Behaviors, Thomas Kilmann, The Leadership Challenge, Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) and Lean Six Sigma Green Belt. Reba believes that "Leadership and Career Development is intentional, full of curiosity, compassion and courage."


"Reimagine Courageous Conversations as the Norm in Retaining Talent in the Workplace"
Presenter:  Emma Doyle
Date and Time: May 17, 2022 from 9:00 - 10:00AM MT

There has never been a more critical time than now for organizations to create environments where all team members feel comfortable speaking their truth. Many leaders and managers are exhausted and in this hybrid work environment, it is all too easy to hide behind a screen and avoid having difficult, yet necessary, conversations in order to grow the business goals. In the end, team members are not voicing their concerns because they feel unsupported, and consequently, workplaces are losing talent all too frequently. In this interactive talk, we will focus on important coaching skills, such as creating a safe environment for employees to be heard, the forgotten art of truly listening, and unveiling the Courageous Conversation Formula. Can you imagine a future where courageous conversations at invited, normal, and help to retain talent in the workplace? At the end of the day, your ROI = IOR (an improvement on relationships) and talent is not nearly as important as taking action in living your authentic truth. I look forward to collaborating with my fellow ICF Colorado Coaches.

Emma Doyle 130x160

Emma Doyle is your Energy Coach. She is an international high performance tennis coach turned corporate coach specializing in helping leaders and teams harness their energy, discover their purpose and achieve high performance under pressure unleashing human potential.  Emma is the lead facilitator for Open Door Coaching USA running ICF recognized coaching qualifications, namely, Leader as Coach and High-Performance Workplace Coaching Certifications. In addition, she is a highly sought-after keynote speaker helping you turn your motivation into activation. She is a former D1 US college tennis player, and she has represented her native Country of Australia as a world team coach on 20 occasions. Emma utilizes the lessons that she learned from being an international high performance tennis coach and transfers these skills into her corporate coaching. She is a qualified Professional Certified Coach (PCC), a Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Emotional Intelligence certified practitioner. Her new book that will be released this Summer is called What Makes a Great Coach? and she is the host of "The Coaching Podcast." When Emma is not inspiring, improving and impacting her clients she can be found playing golf, tennis, and pickleball or running and hiking the stunning mountains where she resides in Denver, Colorado.


"Discovering the Collective Shadow in Teams and Supporting Their Shift
into a Higher Vibrational Awareness"

Presenter:  Jennifer Gance
Date and Time: May 17, 2022 from 11:00am - Noon MT

This presentation will have you thinking about performing organizational engagements in a deeper, non-traditional way. This will be an introduction into how leaders and coaches can engage and diagnose the root cause of team discord from a spiritual perspective but relay your method in the language that the organization or team is able to hear. It’s a way to cut to the chase and create a deeper purpose in the organization/team development that is intended to altruistically create an expansion of consciousness in corporate America as a whole.

Jennifer Gance 130x160Jennifer Gance, PCC began her coaching practice in organizational, team and professional development in 2019. Since then she has coaching engagements with organizations in various industries, notably the U.S. Department of Health, healthcare, architectural and engineering, high-end designing, investment banking and more. Before that, she spent 25 years in corporate America and held many leadership roles. Her employees loved to work for her! She has a deep understanding of human behaviors and tailors all her coaching engagements to the specific needs of the organization, the vibes of the company and the individual personalities of all involved. She holds a Master of Accountancy and undergraduate degree in Business Management, both from Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU). She received her coaching certification from the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching and is a certified Team and Leadership Coach through an ICF accredited program. She has also been published in Women of Denver Magazine.


"Body Wisdom in Coaching and Life"
Presenter: Karen Lynch and Bara Heenan
Date and Time: May 18, 2022 from 11:00am - Noon MT

If you’d like to help your clients get more answers from within and gain more clarity in their goals and actionable tasks, please join Karen & Barb as they lead us through exercises in Body, Heart, and Spirit Alignment. So often, clients can get stuck in the head space as they try to "figure out" their solutions. Utilizing Body Wisdom helps clients "feel it out," heightening their self-awareness. This brings about natural shifts in mindset, behavior, and lifestyle as they consciously choose to live their lives more fully connected to their desires. In learning these methods and techniques they can be easily applied to one’s own life as well!

Karen Lynch 130x160Karen Lynch, PCC, CPC, ELI-MP is passionate about the total well-being of a person. Working with executives, professionals and emerging leaders inside and outside of organizations she provides guidance on what really matters to a person and fully explore their genius, creativity and innovation which generates a positive mindset for the work and lifestyle they crave. Karen is an individual who is passionate about helping people develop and succeed, getting below the surface with a client to uncover what might be blocking them from moving forward. Getting past the challenges is what enables a client to achieve their goals and have more satisfaction in their life. Creating a pathway to achieve their goals and to maximum potential Karen utilizes a variety of assessments, coaching tools & techniques and workshops. With 20+ years of deep corporate and consulting experience as well as being a Change Management Practitioner, Karen brings this expertise to her clients as a point of reference and big picture strategies and collaboration as insights to her clients;

Barb Heenan 130x160Barb Heenan, PCC, CPC, ELI-MP has 25 years of experience in healthcare, consulting, and coaching bring a unique perspective to the field of transformative arts. As a leadership coach, facilitator, trainer, and speaker, Barb combines humor, compassion, and laser insight to inspire people to fully explore their natural genius to create a life they love. She adopts a mind, body, spirit approach to supporting those who crave alignment, direction, and a connection with their Inner Wisdom. An international transformational coach since 2007, Barb has more than 3,500 hours of coaching with a wide variety of clients from rock’n’roll musicians and small business owners to VPs and CXOs in industries such as pharma, advertising, hospitals, distribution, tech, and venture capital. Companies include Allstate, Abbvie, Deloitte, Equity Residential, Exelon, Koch, and Microsoft. She is a dynamic trainer and workshop facilitator with over 3,000 hours teaching more than 2,000 people the art and science of coaching. She delivers personal transformation workshops across the country.


"Lead, Develop Care: A Tool That Takes the Mystery Out of Leadership"
Presenter: Cathy Roberts
Date and Time: May 18, 2022 from 1:00 - 2:00pm MT

Imagine a future where the mystery is taken out of leadership. The Lead, Develop, Care framework is a simple model that allows leaders to do a quick analysis of their leadership challenges and make adjustments for greater effectiveness. Coaches can quickly provide an overview of this framework and use it during coaching sessions to ask questions that empower clients to identify and address issues in leadership. It is also a great tool for strategic planning and building collaborative teams. Best of all, this framework is compatible with whatever authors, models, or tools your clients are already using.

Cathy Roberts 130x160Cathy Roberts is the Director of Leader Development for GEM International and an Executive Coach with Pluma/Skillsoft. She has experience as a corporate executive, college professor, director in a non-profit, and coach for clients in a variety of organizations including manufacturing, HR, global business operations, universities, IT, non-profit, and retail, including a number of Fortune 500 companies. She holds certifications that include a Master's Degree in Adult Education, an ICF ACC certification, and trainer endorsements for a variety of professional organizations. Learner is one of her top Strengthsfinder strengths. She loves to read and has books in every room on a variety of topics. Her phone has numerous podcasts cued up and waiting to enlighten her. In winter she can be found on the ski slopes and in summer on a wakeboard, with time hiking the Colorado trails in between. She never says no to a great conversation or table game with family and friends.


"Group Coaching - The Future of Women's Leadership Development"
Presenter: Kellie Jenkins and Laura Bennett
Date and Time: May 19, 2022 from 11:00am - Noon MT

Can you imagine a future where organizational leadership includes greater female representation? Her Brilliance can! But Kellie Jenkins and Laura Bennett believe that this future requires a different approach to leadership development; an approach that takes into account the unique challenges that women face in navigating the path to a fulfilling and impactful career. So join us to learn how a group coaching approach can accelerate the development of women leaders. We'll explore the spectrum of group coaching and provide a first-hand experience of how group coaching can benefit both women leaders and organizations.

Kellie Jenkins 130x160Kellie Jenkins and Laura Bennett are leadership coaches and the co-founders of Her Brilliance, a company dedicated to accelerating the development of women leaders through a women-centered group coaching approach. Kellie and Laura are passionate about supporting women to develop the confidence to step into their full power and lead authentically, in alignment with their values and unique strengths. They do this by leveraging their own unique brilliance - creating safe spaces for women to come together, build deep connections, and find the confidence to transform their leadership impact and influence. Kellie and Laura have supported leadership coaching clients in the corporate, government and non-profit sectors and across a variety of industries. They have also designed and delivered leadership programs, group coaching experiences and facilitated workshops for a range of organizations including McDonalds, Circle K, Sikich, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Mastercard and the University of Denver.

Laura Bennett 130x160


"From Attention to Intention: The Power of Mental Energy and Imagination"
Presenter: Patrick Williams
Date and Time: May 20, 2022 from 11:00am - Noon MT

Based on the research and methodology of Lynn Mctaggart’s Power of Eight process ,this presentation will provide experiential opportunities for powerful personal energy shifts through imagery and sensory experiences. Dr Pat has been a member of a Power of 8 group for 4 years and just started his own with other participants/coaches.

Patrick Williams 130x160Dr. Patrick Williams, EdD, MCC Founder and Advanced Curriculum Instructor:
One of the early pioneers of coaching, Pat is often called the ambassador of life coaching. Pat has been a licensed psychologist since 1980 and began executive coaching in 1990 with Hewlett Packard, IBM, Kodak and other companies along the front range of Colorado. He then started his coach training school, the Institute for Life Coach Training (ILCT), which specialized In those in helping professions. He has authored 6 books about professional coaching with W.W. Norton books. Pat is a past board member of the International Coach Federation (ICF). He is past president of the Association of Coach Training Organizations and an honorary VP of the Association of Coaching Psychology and a Founding member of Harvard Institute of Coaching. In 2018, he was selected to be one of 5 coaches in the inaugural Circle of Distinction by the ICF. He is passionate about coaching and dedicated to ensuring it remains a respected profession. His newest book, with Balboa Press is Getting Naked: The Importance of Emotional Transparency at the Right Time, in the Right Place, with the Right Person. Pat continues to speak and train in aspects of optimal living.