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HomeEventsICF-CO Monthly Meeting: Coaching at the Speed of Thought

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ICF-CO Monthly Meeting: Coaching at the Speed of Thought

About this event

Virtual Program - Monthly Meeting
Coaching at the Speed of Thought

Date: May 9, 2024
Time: 6:00 - 8:30pm MT (Formal program starts at 6:30)
Location: Zoom

6:00 - 6:30pm: An opportunity to chat socially with other members and/or join a board member for discussion on Chapter Shapers
6:30 - 6:45pm: Chapter Business
6:45 - 8:30pm: Educational Programming

CCEs: 1.5 in Core Competencies and 0.5 in Resource Development

Speaker: Tony Latimer

Listen below as Stan Ajemian, ICF Colorado Education Director, talks with
Tony Latimer about his topic.


Masterful coaching is a fully present, connected and in-the-moment experience. In this session Tony will demonstrate, then explain, how to create a deep subconscious to subconscious connection with your clients for perfect Presence and fast breakthrough.

1. Learn to create a subconscious to subconscious connection.
2. Learn to coach at the speed of thought.
3. Discover how to get clients to deep and fast breakthrough.

The session is delivered as a 30 minute (approx) coaching demo, followed by an interactive  explanation of what was done, and how it relates to the level of coaching required at MCC  standard.

Tony-Latimer-150x121.pngAbout Our Speaker:

Tony is a Master Executive Coach with over 23 years experience working globally with leaders in transition; to guarantee promotion success for themselves, build effective leadership teams and sustainable rapid organizational change, through his Profitable Leadership® framework.

His clients are senior C suite execs who need fast coaching and results to match the pace and pressure of their roles. Tony's approach helps them come to coaching sessions armed with multiple issues and be confident to always walk away with resolution to every one of them within the single session.

Having his first exposure to coaching in the early 80’s, Tony is at the forefront of defining the applications of coaching in the workplace. An MCC since 2008, Tony has served as chapter founding member and president, an ICF Assessor and has worked on several ICF Global task forces related to coach training. He is one of the few coaches providing MCC level training and has a unique membership program The Simplicity of Mastery; teaching pure connected presence.

Date and Time

Thursday, May 9, 2024, 6:00 PM until 8:30 PM Mountain Time (US & Canada) (UTC-07:00)

Event Contact(s)

Stan Ajemian


Monthly Meeting

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