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2024 Introduction to Intuitive Development Learning Group

About this event

2024 Introduction to Intuitive Development Learning Group

Facilitator: Cyndi Stewart, Ph.D.
Dates: (4 Sessions) September 26, October 10, October 24, November 7
Time: 10:30am - Noon MT
Location: Zoom Meeting Room

Each class builds on each other, so plan to attend all 4 classes.


CCEs: 6.0 in Core Competencies

This 4-class series is designed to introduce coaches to developing their intuition and accessing inner wisdom to create meaningful transformations. The class will cover research associated with coaching and intuition, addressing important questions such as what intuition is, how to access it, understanding what interferes with intuition, and exploring how coaches can use intuition for powerful questioning and deepening coaching presence.


After finishing the course, coaches will be able to:

Understand what intuition is and how to access it.

Recognize how intuition enhances coaching presence and powerful questioning.

Identify factors that interfere with intuition and learn how to strengthen their connection to it.

Understand their own intuitive abilities and learn to connect with them.

Learn about the research associated with intuition and coaching.


Agenda over 4 weeks

What Intuition is and why access it

Understanding Intuition & Presence

Explore Intuition- Coaching Research

Intuition Sense Making & Meaning

How to Connect to Intuition

What Interferes with Intuition

Supporting Clients to Tap into Their Intuition

Practice Coaching with Intuition


The course focuses on enhancing coaching skills by delving into the concept of intuition and its importance in coaching. By developing an understanding of their own intuitive emotions and energy shifts, coaches can enhance their presence, ask more impactful questions, and engage in reflective practices by integrating intuitive awareness. Participants will learn about intuition and gain intuitive awareness through coaching exercises.


Cyndi-Stewart-150x187.pngGroup Facilitator:

Cyndi Stewart, Ph.D., is a Intuitive Business Coach and Holistic Health Practitioner; her company is Root Cause Health Solutions.

She embarked on a personal journey to understand her struggles with food sensitivities, emotional eating, and a burnt-out lifestyle. This led her to pursue nutrition, health coaching, energy healing, and intuitive development. Through her healing journey and work with others, Cyndi discovered a strong connection between the journey of one’s life purpose and ongoing health challenges. She believes that when the foundation of our physical body is supported, our overall soul wisdom is aligned.

Cyndi offers classes on transformation, the soul's journey, intuitive eating, and intuitive development for coaches. She is a continuing education provider for health coaches. She coaches alternative healers and spiritual coaches to develop their business by working in the Akashic Records and creating their proprietary framework, content, and spiritual tools.

Cyndi holds a PhD from Colorado State University, FNLP (Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner) certification from FxNutrition, Certified Health Coach certifications from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and the Health Coach Institute, as well as a Life Coach certification from CoachU. She is also a yoga & meditation teacher, Reiki Master, Master Akashic Records trainer and practitioner, and is adjunct faculty teaching Leadership and Organizational Behavior. She can be reached at and


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Event Contact(s)

Cyndi Stewart


Learning Groups

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