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HomeEventsICF-CO Monthly Chapter Meeting - Create Transformation using Ontological Coaching

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ICF-CO Monthly Chapter Meeting - Create Transformation using Ontological Coaching

Hybrid Program - Monthly Meeting
Create Transformation using Ontological Coaching

Date: September 12, 2024

Time: 6:00 - 8:30pm MT
6:00pm - 6:30pm:
An opportunity to chat socially with other members and/or
join an ICF-CO Board Member for discussion on Chapter Shapers
6:30pm - 8:30pm: Chapter Meeting

Hybrid Meeting - Attendance may be Virtual OR In-Person

In-Person Location:
Posner Center for International Development
1031 33rd St., Denver, CO 80205
(IEEE Classroom)
Virtual: Zoom

CCEs: 1.5 in Core Competencies and 0.5 in Resource Development


Speaker: Mark Robertson

Listen below as Stan Ajemian, ICF Colorado Education Director,
talks with Mark Robertson about his topic.

This will be a hybrid meeting, so we encourage you to join us at Posner Center in Denver if you can make it! We'd love to spend some time connecting in person!

Ontological Coaching is a framework for intervening first at the level of our client’s way of being, which always precedes and drives their actions in life, rather than intervening at the level of actions first. Often when clients come to coaching, they bring challenges or issues in which they’ve tried every action they know to try and they feel stuck – they don’t know what to do next. To get them unstuck and moving again, we often work with their way of being first, and when we can shift that, it often leads to deeper and more lasting change – what we coaches call transformation.

In this fun, informative, engaging presentation, we will dive deeply into the two fundamental models that underpin ontological coaching, in both a theoretical way and through experiences. You will practice using these models, and we will engage in conversation with one another, to better understand and address real challenges and issues we and our clients encounter in today’s complex, rapidly changing professional and personal world!

Mark-Robertson-new-headshot-150x174.jpgAbout Mark Robertson

Mark Robertson is an Executive Coach who specializes in working with leaders and business owners who truly care about their impact on their people, and he helps them to intentionally create high-functioning, connected teams, who are doing whole-hearted, meaningful work, and at the same time delivering kick-ass results!

Mark’s journey to becoming a coach includes a BS in Electrical Engineering, a Masters in Education in Human Development Counseling, along with exposure to the Ontological distinctions first in a personal way with Education for Living, then in a professional manner by attending Newfield Network and serving as a Newfield Mentor Coaching for 9 years.

Since 1998, Mark has been coaching executives and leaders, as well as their leadership teams and employees, to rebuild and strengthen trust in their working relationships, enhance and improve the quality of their conversational skills, dramatically improve their ability to coordinate action across and within teams, design their own mood and the morale of the people within their organization and create an organization built on a network of strong, productive relationships.

Thursday, September 12, 2024, 6:00 PM until 8:30 PM
Hybrid: In-Person: Posner OR Virtual: Zoom
Additional Info:
Event Contact(s):
Stan Ajemian
Monthly Meeting
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